A urinary tract infection may not be life-threatening, but it still feels very uncomfortable. Some of the common symptoms include cloudy urine, a strong urge to urinate and a burning sensation while urinating. You are more likely to develop this infection if you are a woman, use a diaphragm, are sexually active or have urinary tract abnormalities. Here are some helpful tips for lowering your risk of urinary tract infections.

Drink More Water

Doesn't water seem like the solution to everything? It is effective at diluting your urine, helping you go to the bathroom more frequently. When you urinate more regularly, bacteria will get flushed out of your system, preventing an infection. If you get tired of drinking water, try cranberry juice; it is also good at diluting your urine. Also, try to limit beverages that may irritate your bladder such as coffee and alcohol.

Use the Bathroom After Intercourse

Since sexual intercourse can irritate the urethra, it is a good idea to use the bathroom afterward. Urinating will help remove any bacteria that was introduced into the urethra from intercourse. 

Do Not Hold in Your Urine

When you are very busy, it is easy to hold off going to the bathroom. However, holding your urine too long can make you more susceptible to a urinary tract infection. Using the bathroom only takes a few minutes and can help you avoid an infection.

Limit Baths

A warm bath might be comforting on a cold day, but it can increase your risk of urinary traction infections. When you soak in a bathtub, bacteria is more likely to enter the urethra. Stick to showers most of the time.

Wear Loose-Fitting Pants

If you always wear tight pants, your genital area will not have enough room to breathe, increasing your chance of a urinary tract infection. To avoid this problem, switch to loose-fitting pants.

Choose Pads Over Tampons

Women who are prone to urinary tract infections should always use pads during their menstrual cycles. A tampon might feel a lot more comfortable than a pad, but it can increase the risk of an infection. 

Following these helpful tips can help decrease your risk of developing a urinary tract infection in the future. However, if you still get these infections often, you should talk to urologist, like Dr. Matthew Bui, about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics are often used to help individuals who are prone to getting urinary tract infections.
