When you are pregnant, your life might revolve around the day when you will finally meet your little one in the comfort of your local hospital. However, depending on how your labor and delivery goes, you could be in the hospital for awhile. Fortunately, by remembering these two E's, you might be able to make your hospital stay more pleasant.

1: Entertainment

Although you might imagine your labor as a sudden process sparked by a spicy burrito, the fact of the matter is that most women have to wait awhile before they can start pushing. During that time, you will want something to take your mind off of the pain and suspense of the experience. To make the process more enjoyable and to make the hours pass quickly, bring along some entertainment with you to the hospital. Here are a few things that might come in handy on your big day:

  • Laptops: You waited forever to have a baby, so why not document the experience? Bring along your laptop to journal the sights, smells, and sounds of the hospital, so that you can remember the process later.
  • Cell Phones: In addition to helping you to keep friends and family members informed of your labor progression, cell phones can also be incredibly entertaining. Use your phone to play a few games or read the news as you wait for your little newborn to arrive. 
  • Crafts: Instead of laying in bed waiting for your labor to progress, focus on knitting a sweater, drawing a picture, or cutting out die cuts for your scrapbook. In addition to getting something done, you might be able to make something for the new member of your family.

Before you fill your hospital bag with craft supplies, contact your birth center to see if they have any restrictions. For example, your hospital might not offer free WiFi access, or they might have rules about bringing glue into the delivery room.

2: Earphones

If you are looking for a great way to zero-in and focus on the process, bring along a set of earphones and an MP3 player. You might be able to listen to the soothing sounds of nature, or rock out to your favorite jams to make your delivery more comfortable. Some earphones even contain sound dampening technology, which might help you to block out hospital noises while you try to get some shut-eye.

By bringing the right things with you to the hospital, like Pediatric Health Associates, you might be able to stay comfortable, rest, and recover from your delivery—so that you can enjoy your brand new baby.
