Alzheimer's disease affects nearly six million people in America, with someone developing the disease every 65 seconds, according to the Alzheimer's Association. This disease has the ability to disrupt one's everyday life. Therefore, it is important that everyone be aware of the signs and symptoms so that the condition can be caught early on.

1. Struggling to Complete Basic, Daily Tasks

Have you noticed that your loved one is having difficulty doing the dishes or laundry, taking out the trash, or going to the grocery store? These are basic tasks that your loved one often does on a daily basis or a regular basis that he or she should not have a problem with. However, when you notice that he or she is struggling with these tasks, then it could be a sign of Alzheimer's disease as once familiar and simple tasks often become troublesome.

2. Problems with Communicating

It isn't uncommon to find problems communicating every now and then. Sometimes, you may get tongue-tied or you may find it difficult to find just the right word that you need to say. However, when a person has Alzheimer's disease, it is difficult to actually stay "in" a conversation. In some cases, an individual with this disease may repeat themselves or call things or people by the incorrect name.

3. Commonly Misplacing Things

People are always misplacing their keys, phone or even the television remote, resulting in the retracing of their steps until the misplaced object is found. However, an individual suffering from Alzheimer's disease is unable to retrace their steps in order to find a misplaced object. For one, they won't know what steps to retrace. Secondly, they simply won't know where to look for the misplaced object. Another thing that individuals with this disease will do is place objects in weird places, such as their keys or wallet in the refrigerator instead of the table by the front door.

4. Getting Confused

Sometimes you may get a date or a place mixed up, but an individual with Alzheimer's disease tends to do it quite often. In fact, people suffering from this disease often don't know what day, month or time of year it is. In many cases, they will arrive at a location and not remember how they got there or fail to know where they are once they arrive.

Currently, there isn't a cure for Alzheimer's. However, the sooner that you can catch the signs and have a doctor diagnose the condition, the sooner your loved one can begin receiving the necessary care he or she needs. To learn more, visit a website like
